The Impending Need of Universities to Open the Blockchain Education

It was more than eight years ago when the bitcoin and also the blockchain technology first emerged however there are still several countries in which their students are still not knowledgeable with the fundamentals of this technology. Apparently the reason is due to educational institutions’ blockchain education lacking.
But since the newest creations are already emerging in this domain, the demand to adopt the blockchain knowledge is increasing rapidly. There are a number of prestigious universities which started to embrace it and a lot are planning to do it sooner or later. Despite this fact, there are still two thirds of the global educational institutions that haven’t really heard of this concept.
Growing at a stable pace, blockchain is known to be a very immense field. Its application are spreading just like a weed as well as gradually acquiring the industry. In other words, there is a great need today to study and know the in depth concepts of this extremely important technology. The blockchain knowledge will be impending someday and sooner or later all educational institutions will be necessitated to explore it someday.
Universities Offering Bitcoin & Blockchain Curriculum
Several education institutions nowadays have already grasp the blockchain education’s importance and that is the reason why they now offer numerous courses about the blockchain and bitcoin. When it comes to this two technology, U.S. is its leading edge. Listed below are some of their Universities that opened courses about this technology.
New York University (NYU)
Most if not all universities in America are taking the education of bitcoin and blockchain very somewhat seriously. That is why there are some American universities as well as business schools that offers different crypto-classes and also bitocin, blockchain and other cryptocurrency curriculum.
New York University or NYU as commonly known, is among them. It was on 2014 when this his university started to open cryptocurrency classes. Its first course in cryptocurrency that was offered by this university was named, “The Law and Business of Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies” that was all about blockchain, bitcoin and different kinds of altcoins.
Duke University
Another university in America that is situated in the Durham County of North Carolina which also offers similar courses about the cryptocurrency is the Duke University. Its pioneer cryptocurrency course offered was primarily focused on business and was entitled “Innovation, Distruption and Cryptoventures”.
Princeton University
New Jersey’s Princeton University also offers much the same course entitled “ Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies”. This course is carried out through a platform that is for-profit education which is called Coursera and supplies a great quantity of open-courses.
Stanford University
Bitcoin Engineering is a special course about Bitcoin offered by Standford University. It mainly focuses on studying how to produce bitcoin-enabled applications making it a full time course. In the first two weeks of this curriculum will discuss a well-developed introduction to bitcoin as well as bitcoin enabled computing.
The remaining weeks that follows will focus on different project wherein scholars discover how to make their own applications that is bitcoin oriented.
So, we can therefore conclude that it is important to study as well the blockchain and bitcoin technology just like any usual subject and more universities need to be also opened to it.