5 Famous Books On Bitcoin And Blockchain

Since we are in this period of innovation, tracking all of the newest discoveries and inventions is never easy. There are a lot of times where you can’t catch up on the most important things. The case is the same with blockchain and bitcoin.
These two things have been present for such a long period of time but still, a lot of people are still not knowledgeable enough with regards to the basic information of the blockchain and bitcoin technology. But we are always curious.
So if you are someone who is really intrigued and interested to know the concepts of blockchain, bitcoin and even other cryptocurrencies, it is not too late yet. In fact, now is the best time to begin knowing the basics of these young technologies since it’s highly possible they will be going to change the shape of the future.
Nonetheless, there are a lot of ways to satisfy one’s curiosity with regards to bitcoin through the process of learning everything about it. One of the ways known to be effective is by reading books.
Yes, a massive amount of books are available that is written just specifically about blockchain and bitcoin. In this article, you are going to learn about the five books written which can help improve your knowledge with regards to these two topics.
1. The Bitcoin Bible
This book named the Bitcoin Bible is a very informational book that’s all about bitcoin authored by BenjanminGuttman who is also the Digital Natives Group’s CEO. It is mainly made of several articles decently written about bitcoin by the giants of the industry such as VitalikButerin, knowunderlyingn to be the Ethereum’s co-founder as well as Bitcoin Magazine.
Additionally, Benjamin Guttmann has shared informative insights and details about the bitcoin as well as its working. This book is also very helpful if you are interested to do business with bitcoins.
2. Mastering Bitcoin
The book Mastering Bitcoin is so valuable and a must read for people who wants to become an application developer of bitcoin. This book is authored by Andreas Antonopoulos who is known to be an expert of information security and tech-pioneer. He is also a host for a podcast known as Let’s Talk Bitcoin.
Mastering Bitcoin is undeniably made just like a masterpiece. It gives a very good technical analysis about the bitcoin protocol. It highlights as well the fundamental structure and also describes the free-source bitcoin nature in a manner which is exceedingly riveting.
Even though, this book is not really the most suitable for newbies since it is highly technical. Nevertheless, if you are someone who is knowledgeable with the basic bitcoin concepts and eager to scrutinize more in this topic, then I must conclude that this is the perfect one for you to begin with.
3. Blockchain: Blueprint For A New Economy
This book written by Melanie Swan is so incredible for it highly focuses on the blockchain technology’s future implications. The author explains in this book the reason why the blockchain technology that is restrained only to the money sector can so far give a breakthrough in different areas also. Melanie Swan did it by explaining all the possible blockchain technology application that is way over the financial sector.
4. The Book of Satoshi
This fascinating Book of Satoshi talks about the beginning of bitcoin from its mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto’s outlook. This book that was authored by Phil Champagne, consists of several conversation through email between Satoshi Nakamoto and certain other tech pioneers in order to reveal what really happened during the extraordinary digital coin’s creation.
5. The Age of Cryptocurrency
This marvelous book is authored by Michael J Caset and Paul Vigna which entails how bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies are changing the course of the present financial situation.
This book is mainly focused on bitcoin and also the other cryptocurrencies’ potential possibilities through sharing the story of a woman who is an Afghan who made a great deal of money by the internet as well as providing a detailed history of bitcoins and also the other cryptocurrencies.